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“期待之眼——探究look forward to的意义与应用”

2022-04-14 17:58:22 点击: forward

“期待”是一种心理状态,是人们对未来可能发生的好事物的快乐预期。其中,“look forward to”则是表达这种期待的常见词组。本文将从语言学角度出发,深入解析“look forward to”的意义与应用。

“期待之眼——探究look forward to的意义与应用”

“期待”是一种心理状态,是人们对未来可能发生的好事物的快乐预期。其中,“look forward to”则是表达这种期待的常见词组。本文将从语言学角度出发,深入解析“look forward to”的意义与应用。

一、“look forward to”是何意?

“look forward to”常用来表达对未来某件事物的期待和兴奋。该短语常接名词、动名词或从句,用作及物动词的宾语,通常位于句子末端。例如:

- I'm really looking forward to the weekend.

- She is looking forward to seeing her parents.

- We're all looking forward to your performance.

二、如何正确使用“look forward to”?


在使用“look forward to”时,要注意所接名词、动名词或从句的时态和语态与主句是否一致,如:

- I’m looking forward to talking to you tomorrow.(动名词)

- We’re looking forward to having you here.(动名词)

- She looked forward to hearing from him.(动名词)

- They are looking forward to seeing her again.(动名词)


虽然“look forward to”通常与“excitement”、“pleasure”等积极情绪联系在一起,但在某些场合下,过于积极的情感表达可能不太合适。例如,当某个人面对着失败、挫折时,我们可以说:

- I’m looking forward to your next try.



虽然“look forward to”是表达期待的常见词组,但不要滥用。当你在多个句子中多次使用“look forward to”时,会让读者感到枯燥、不生动。这时候可以考虑使用其他类似的表达,例如:

- I can't wait for the weekend.

- He's eager to see his parents.

- She's excited about your performance.

三、“look forward to”在实际应用中的例子


当你想要感谢对方、或者表达你的期待时,可使用“look forward to”的短语表达,例如:

- Thank you very much for your prompt attention to this matter. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

- I look forward to our meeting next Wednesday and to discussing in more detail how we can collaborate to improve our respective businesses.


在演讲和会议中,使用“look forward to”可强调自己的期待和兴奋,例如:

- Ladies and gentlemen, I'm honored to be here today. I look forward to sharing my insights and learning from yours.

- Good afternoon, everyone. I look forward to hearing your ideas and opinions about the project.


职场面试是一个有压力的场合,使用“look forward to”可以表达你对该职位的极大兴趣,例如:

- Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing how I can contribute to the team, and to hearing more about the company's vision and mission.

- I'm excited to have the opportunity to interview for this position. I look forward to sharing my experience and skills with you.


期待是人生中一种美好的心理体验,而“look forward to”则是表达和分享这份心理体验的常见方式。在实际应用中,使用时需要注意语法结构和情感表达的适宜性,而在商务、演讲、会议和面试等场合中,使用“look forward to”可以增加对方的共鸣和信任,构建人际关系。